Thursday, 2 February 2012

Best Pregnancy Ideas of 2012

Best Pregnancy Ideas of 2012, It says here a baby's mind is not a blank slate, but neither is it a finished product. 

At the stage of the embryo, the mind is deeply attached to its parents. Best Pregnancy ideas of 2012 listen, and is moulded by the types of stories and music the mother listens to when she is pregnant, and forms itself accordingly whatever she listens with attention contributes to culturing the mind of the child. So it follows, for example, that if a pregnant woman wants to remove attitudes that are 'rajasik' and 'tamasik' and bear a child with a'sattvik' nature - full of intelligence, courage, dynamism and the ability to discern between right and wrong Best Pregnancy ideas should listen only to 'sattvik' stories, which leave good impressions on the mind. 

The Sharangdhar Sanhita also describes the same idea The child will have the kind of qualities that occupy the pregnant woman's mind. When a pregnant woman desires a child courageous, clever, beautiful and healthy, she should listen to stories of people who possess such ideal qualities. She should read their biographies, and perhaps, contemplate upon their lives. Best Pregnancy ideas effective medium to culture the foetus is sound. Scientifically coordinated sound combinations, such as mantras, or even music based on such principles, can be understood and imbibed directly by the mind 

Best Pregnancy ideas  not necessary to actually comprehend music words. Such vibrations will act directly on the mind of both mother and child. So, healing music created especially for pregnancy can have an all-round positive effect on the health of the child and its personality.