Thursday, 2 February 2012

Morning Diet in Pregnancy Period

Morning Diet in Pregnancy Period, For healthy conception and a well implanted foetus, one has to understand the importance of a healthy uterus and good male and female seeds sperm and ova  

For conception, the basic physical requirement is the coming together sperm and an ovum. Morning diet in pregnancy period female seeds are the essence of the man and woman. If both have worked hard to be healthy in body, mind and spirit at the time of conception then, without doubt, their child too will enjoy these positive characteristics Therefore Ayurved places special emphasis on the health of the parents in the lead-up to pregnancy, and in particular on the health of the woman Although the man is necessary for conception, it is the woman who holds the child for nine months in her body and nurtures it 

The phrase blood relation' has a physical basis. Morning diet in pregnancy period mother, placenta, nourishes the foetus through her blood. Also, in the early years of a child's life, the mother is a major pillar of support. Even as the child grows into an adult, the mother is always the one who plays a vital role in moulding, nurturing, imparting values and taking care of the child's food, health, education etc. She is the foundation for a person's development. Morning diet in pregnancy the child faces any major illness, defect or disability, the joy of parenthood is truncated. Morning diet in pregnancy period reflects deeply on this, and prescribes in
great detail, processes that will help all people have wonderful and capable children full of desirable qualities. 

The average age at which girls first experience menstrual periods around thirteen years. The average age at which boys properly begin to produce semen is around sixteen years. At these early stages though, both boys and girls still need their tissues to become more mature. Some more time is required for their seed (reproductive cell) to become more complete and potent. Morning diet in pregnancy period advises on the ideal age for both men and women to have children. According to Indian culture, the first quarter of life is This period corresponds to the first twenty-five years of life and is called It should be spent in learning and education.

After this period, a person is eligible to marry and start a family phase of family life is called To give birth to a healthy child, a man should be at least twenty-five while a girl is ready at sixteen. Nowadays, women in India usually marry when they are around twenty-two or twenty-three. Morning diet in pregnancy period ideal time for pregnancy is one to one and a half years after marriage.